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(1 edit)

Bug Report

(my first playthrough)
  • is there a settings menu?
  • you can use your sprint while standing still but pressing shift
  • got stuck on the "please return when you are more skilled" screen (none of the buttons worked)
  • no mute when tabbed out
  • objective counter? (how many more boxes are required)
  • it is hard to throw the boxes into the chute
  • labelled doors (which room am i going to?)
  • dr brian mute button (sorry brian :( )
  • you can't stop using the trolly
  • cheese gamemode is wandering around aimlessly

I should really remove this game from itch because it's getting completely remade as a steam release, and this version is very buggy, unfinished and straight up terrible in terms of game design.

wow, that's really cool actually. i'd love to see a devlog for the game on your youtube channel :]